Category Archives: News

Undergraduate Capstone teams present final projects

(April 2021)

  • Two Mechanical Engineering Undergraduate Capstone project teams that worked with our researchers to design, build and test a Superconductor Tape Exfoliation System presented their successful final projects. Congratulations Steffano Sanchez, Christopher Torres, Demetrious  Perez, Mario Costa, Huy Truong, Alyssa Contreras, Casey Drew Shaw and Ahmad Zeidat.

Prof Selva’s team awarded $1.5M by ARPA-E

(September 2020)

  • Our team was awarded $1.5M by the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA-e) for Advanced HTS Conductors Customized for Fusion to develop high-performance, low-cost, high-strength superconductor tapes for compact fusion energy systems.

$900,000 DURIP award

(September 2020)

  • Our group received a $904,000 Defense University Research Instrumentation Program (DURIP) award for purchase of micro-computed tomography (Micro-CT) for non-destructive evaluation of advanced materials and devices for defense applications.